Сотрудник подразделения
- 10Alekseev P.A., Borodin B.R., Mustafin I.A., Zubov A.V., Lebedev S.P., Lebedev A.A., Trukhin V.N. Terahertz Near-Field Response in Graphene Ribbons // Technical Physics Letters - 2020, Vol. 46, No. 8, pp. 756-759 [IF: 0.771, SJR: 0.362]
подробнее >> - 9Kulya M.S., Odlyanitskiy E.L., Cassar Q., Mustafin I.A., Trukhin V.N., Gavrilova P.G., Korolev D.V., Kononova Y.A., Balbekin N.S., Mounaix P., Guillet J., Petrov N.V., Smolyanskaya O.A. Fast terahertz spectroscopic holographic assessment of optical properties of diabetic blood plasma // Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves - 2020, Vol. 41, No. 9, pp. 1041-1056 [IF: 2.54, SJR: 0.495]
подробнее >>A new method for diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is proposed, which uses for measurement a lyophilized blood plasma sample prepared in the form of a pellet. The paper develops a methodology for fast spectroscopic measurements of such pellets with terahertz pulse time-domain holography. For that reason, blood plasma pellets were experimentally measured by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy system in transmission mode and its characteristics were obtained to be then used in numerical simulation of pulse terahertz hologram formation and extraction of its optical properties. Thus, a demonstration of the proof-of-concept was given for the techniques of pellet inspection, which contains information about the presence of glycated proteins, reflecting a diabetic pathology.
- 8Odlyanitskiy E.L., Kulya M.S., Cassar Q., Mustafin I.A., Trukhin V.N., Korolev D.V., Kononova Y.A., Mounaix P., Guillet J.P., Petrov N.V., Smolyanskaya O.A. Reconstruction of optical parameters for blood plasma pellets using pulse terahertz holography method // Proceedings - International Conference Laser Optics 2020, ICLO 2020 - 2020, pp. 9285619
подробнее >> - 7Smolyanskaya O.A., Trukhin V.N., Gavrilova P.G., Odlyanitskiy E., Semenova A.V., Cassar Q., Guillet J., Mounaix P., Gareev K.G., Korolev D.V. Terahertz spectra of drug-laden magnetic nanoparticles // Proceedings of SPIE - 2019, Vol. 10892, pp. 108920L [SJR: 0.152]
подробнее >> - 6Trukhin V.N., Buravlev A.D., Mustafin I.A., Cirlin G.E., Kuritsyn D.I., Rumyantsev V.V., Morosov S.V., Kakko J.P., Huhtio T., Lipsanen H.K. Resonant features of the terahertz generation in semiconductor nanowires // Semiconductors - 2016, Vol. 50, No. 12, pp. 1561-1565 [IF: 0.602, SJR: 0.173]
подробнее >> - 5Трухин В.Н., Буравлев А.Д., Мустафин И.А., Цырлин Г.Э., Курицин Д.И., Румянцев В.В., Морозов С.В., Kakko J., Huhito T., Липсанен Х. X Международный симпозиум "Нанофизика и наноэлектроника", Нижний Новгород, 14-18 марта 2016 г. Резонансный характер генерации терагерцового излучения в полупроводниковых нитевидных нанокристаллах // Физика и техника полупроводников - 2016. - Т. 50. - № 12. - С. 1587-1591 [IF: 0.745]
подробнее >> - 4Trukhin V.N., Buyskhih A.S., Bouravlev A.D., Mustafin I.A., Samsonenko Y.B., Trukhin A.V., Cirlin G.E., Kaliteevski M.A., Zeze D.A., Gallant A.J. Generation of THz radiation by AlGaAs nanowires // Письма в "Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики" - 2015, Vol. 102, No. 5-6, pp. 348-353 [IF: 0.413]
подробнее >> - 3Trukhin V.N., Bourauleuv A.D., Dhaka V.D., Cirlin G.E., Mustafin I., Kaliteevski M.A., Lipsanen H.K., Samsonenko Y.B. Ultrafast carrier dynamics in GaAs Nanowires // Lithuanian Journal of Physics - 2014, Vol. 54, No. 1, pp. 41-45 [IF: 0.537, SJR: 0.159]
подробнее >> - 2Trukhin V.N., Buyskikh A.S., Kaliteevskaya N.A., Buravlev A.D., Samoylov L.L., Samsonenko Y.B., Cirlin G.E., Kaliteevski M.A., Gallant A.J. Terahertz generation by GaAs nanowires // Applied Physics Letters - 2013, Vol. 103, No. 7, pp. 072108 [IF: 3.411, SJR: 0.976]
подробнее >> - 1Trukhin V.N., Samoylov L.L., Khor'kov D.P. Features of the scattering of focused terahertz radiation from the probe of a terahertz near-field microscope // JETP Letters - 2013, Vol. 96, No. 12, pp. 807-811 [IF: 1.235, SJR: 0.327]
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