Сотрудник подразделения
- 8Manukhin B.G., Chivilikhin S.A., Andreeva N.V., Kuzmina T.B., Materikina D.A., Andreeva O.V. Reversible and irreversible alterations of the optical thickness of PQ/PMMA volume recording media samples. Part 2: mathematical modeling // Applied Optics - 2018, Vol. 57, No. 31, pp. 9406-9413 [IF: 1.65, SJR: 0.487]
подробнее >> - 7Andreeva N., Ismagilov A., Kuzmina T., Kozlov S. Workshops on photonics and optoinformatics for school students at ITMO University // Proceedings of SPIE - 2017, Vol. 10452, pp. 104526I [SJR: 0.152]
подробнее >> - 6Andreeva O.V., Andreeva N.V., Kuzmina T.B. Plasmonic Particles of Colloidal Silver in High-Resolution Recording Media // Optics and spectroscopy - 2017, Vol. 122, No. 1, pp. 52-58 [IF: 0.716]
подробнее >> - 5Manukhin B.G., Chivilikhin S.A., Schelkanova I.J., Andreeva N.V., Materikina D.A., Andreeva O.V. Reversible and irreversible alterations of the optical thickness of PQ/PMMA volume recording media samples. Part I: Experiment // Applied Optics - 2017, Vol. 56, No. 26, pp. 7351-7357 [IF: 1.65, SJR: 0.487]
подробнее >> - 4Андреева О.В., Андреева Н.В., Кузьмина Т.Б. Плазмонные частицы коллоидного серебра в высокоразрешающих регистрирующих средах // Оптика и спектроскопия - 2017. - Т. 122. - № 1. - С. 58–65 [IF: 0.484]
подробнее >> - 3Andreeva O.V., Saitov S.V., Andreeva N.V., Sidorov A.I. Plasmonic resonance of colloidal silver in nanoporous matrix // Journal of Physics: Conference Series - 2014, Vol. 541, No. 1, pp. 012076 [SJR: 0.18]
подробнее >> - 2Bodienkov P.S., Manukhin B.G., Andreeva N.V., Andreeva O.V. Evaluation of thermal exposure on absorbing objects with digital holographic interferometry method // Proceedings of SPIE - 2014, Vol. 9141, pp. 91412B [SJR: 0.152]
подробнее >> - 1Kudriavcev P.V., Andreeva N.V., Andreeva O.V. Estimate of temperature stability of volume polymer holograms // Journal of Physics: Conference Series - 2014, Vol. 536, No. 1, pp. 012022 [SJR: 0.18]
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